Many a times such 'robots', so fascinated by cloud or rain, are in dire need for solutions that can be dumb-proof and also 'Cloud oriented' (I consciously use the term 'Cloud Oriented' in a smaller scope from what it can actually mean). Such APIs not only make private applications integrate-able but also brings in possibilities for seamlessly consuming cloud services with just one click of a mouse for the end-user. To make things more flexible or professional these days we get free development APIs from these providers. And thus businesses like Google Drive and Sky Drive have rocketed many folds in such short span of times in consumer to SMBs to large business solutions. For example, the obvious drawbacks of maintaining redundant storage media are not handled anymore.

At least a bunch of people are at peace as the complexity of management (be it storage or any other thing) is left to the best brains at an affordable cost. Though the term 'Cloud' is a bit over-rated (totally personal opinion)

Cloud storage has cleverly become a good selling point for many solutions.