Annotations made can be synced and edited online and on the X6 and X7 desktop- Importing capabilities for.

Seamlessly sync your EndNote library across your desktop, iPad and online and access your research anytime, anywhere.EndNote® for iPad includes:- A free, EndNote online account or link to an existing account- Synchronize your library references, attachments, and PDF annotations to your online account and X6 or X7 desktop- Built in web browser to search Thomson Reuters' Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Google Scholar, your library catalog, or any other database you choose- Built in PDF viewer with wide range of annotation features. With flexible tools for searching, organizing and creating research, the EndNote® for iPad app extends your ability to stay on top of cutting edge research and connect with your EndNote® library when you’re on the go. With EndNote® for iPad, you can truly use EndNote® to its fullest extent.

'Find, store, create and share from anywhere with EndNote® - the most powerful research productivity tool on the market.