
How do i do a e with an accent mark in word
How do i do a e with an accent mark in word

how do i do a e with an accent mark in word

also called the CARET key, ( ^) key, nothing is displayed on the screen until you press a second key: When you press the APOSTROPHE ( ‘ ) key, QUOTATION MARK ( “ ) key, ACCENT GRAVE ( ` ) key, TILDE ( ~ ) key, or ACCENT CIRCUMFLEX. letters will remain the same, but punctuation like, ” will combine to do the accent as below.at the bottom toolbar on the right, click on the keyboard icon and choose US International.check the box for US International, ok at the top right of that area.Setting up the International Keyboard – uses punctuation as a code for the accents For other accent needs use the alt number method or insert characters.Ģ. To put a cedilla underneath the letter “c”, use CTRL+comma before typing “c” or “C” to get “ç” or “Ç”. The “6” key becomes a circumflex accent when shifted, so CTRL+SHIFT+6 plus either “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, or “u” generates “â”, “ê”, “î”, “ô”, and “û”, respectively. CTRL+grave accent (the key to the left of the number “1” on the top row of keys) puts a grave accent over the next vowel typed.

How do i do a e with an accent mark in word