Security Expert Smart Card Readers which support both 125Khz and 13.56Mhz (SX-DRD-xx, SX-DRK-xx, SX-RK-xx) The Reader LED is flashing red then green every second continuously. When a card is presented at the Smart Reader it beeps but no card data is sent through to the Security Expert Controller. This can be tested by typing in commands like "ping" (IPv4) or "ping ::1" (IPv6).

In Wireshark choose this adapter to capture, loopback traffic will be the seen the same way as other non-loopback adapters. Npcap will then create an adapter named Npcap Loopback Adapter. Replace WinPcap with Npcap to emulate a loopback NIC for packet capture. Packets sent between services on the same machine (like SOAP and EWS) do not hit the NIC and therefore cannot be captured with the default configuration of Wireshark using the WinPcap packet sniffing library. When the EWS is installed on the same machine using the service then all packets will be going to the localhost and will not hit the NIC so will not be captured in a Wireshark packet capture.ĮcoStruxure Building Operation, EcoStruxure Security Expertīuilding Operation Automation Servers (AS-P, AS-B)